EL*C Capacity Assessment Survey for the Lesbian Movement

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As part of our ongoing commitment to strengthen and support the lesbian community globally, we’re launching a crucial capacity assessment survey for lesbian organizations and networks worldwide. Your perspective is invaluable.

Tell us: Where does your group currently stand? What challenges persist? Where are there opportunities for growth and support? What experiences and knowledge you have to share with others?

The information gathered will directly inform strategies to bolster our member organizations and extend support to partners across regions.

Your participation is a step towards a stronger, more resilient community.


Choose your language

You can complete the survey in English, Español, Русский or Français.

Italiano in basso  ||   Français ci-dessous

On Monday, the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community (EL*C) issued an open letter to Italian prime-minister Giorgia Meloni and called for protests across Europe against the Italian far-right government’s treatment of lesbian families. EL*C is the largest lesbian feminist intersectional network of lesbian NGOs and individuals across Europe and Central Asia. 

In a show of unity and solidarity, protests took place on Friday 28 July in France (Paris, Marseilles, Bordeaux), Belgium (Bruxelles), Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal), Spain (Alicante) where lesbians and allies came together in support of Italian lesbian mothers, the LGBT and all groups affected by the hateful and harmful politics of Meloni’s government. EL*C’s emphasizes that its advocacy work and actions are always intersectional and declares these protests in solidarity with the LGBTIQ community and racialized groups in Italy (Roma people, migrants and refugees) who are also direct targets of harmful policies of the far-right. 

Today, EL*C’s advocacy director met with the deputy ambassador of Italy to Belgium this morning, despite knowing that the Italian government’s stance would not change. EL*C is steadfastly committed to supporting Italian lesbian feminists in their resolute effort to challenge the far-right’s reign over Italy. 

EL*C declares that we will not tolerate the rise of far-right ideologies in Europe and anyone aligned with the far-right is a direct enemy to democracy, human rights and rule of law. Flirting with the enemy is destined to fail as we recently saw during the Spanish election, alliance with the far-right no pasaran (will not pass). 

“We stand vigilant and we will ensure that the nefarious specter of the far-right will not shadow Europe once more. We will resist by staying strong and building alliances between communities and movements against the far-right.” – EL*C 

EL*C calls upon all individuals, organizations, and politicians to join forces in defending the rights of lesbian families and marginalized communities in Italy. More protests are planned for next week in Germany, France and the UK. 




Lesbiche europee: L’estrema destra perderà questa battaglia   

Lunedì la Comunità Lesbica dell’Europa e dell’Asia Centrale (EL*C) ha inviato una lettera aperta alla prima ministra italiana Giorgia Meloni e ha invitato a protestare in tutta Europa contro il trattamento riservato dal governo italiano di estrema destra alle famiglie lesbiche. La EL*C è la più grande rete intersezionale femminista lesbica di ONG e individue lesbiche in Europa e in Asia centrale.  

 In una dimostrazione di unità e solidarietà, venerdì 28 luglio si sono svolte proteste in Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia, Bordeaux), Belgio (Bruxelles), Portogallo (Lisbona, Portogallo) e Spagna (Alicante), dove lesbiche e alleati si sono riunite a sostegno delle madri lesbiche italiane, delle persone LGBT e di tutti i gruppi colpiti dalle odiose e dannose politiche del governo Meloni. EL*C sottolinea che il suo lavoro di advocacy e le sue azioni sono sempre intersezionali e dichiara queste proteste in solidarietà con la comunità LGBTIQ e i gruppi razzializzati in Italia (Rom, migranti e rifugiati) che sono anche bersaglio diretto delle politiche dannose dell’estrema destra.  

La direttrice dell’advocacy dell’EL*C ha incontrato questa mattina il vice ambasciatore dell’Italia in Belgio, pur sapendo che la posizione del governo italiano non sarebbe cambiata. L’EL*C è fermamente impegnata a sostenere le femministe lesbiche italiane nel loro coraggioso sforzo di sfidare il regno dell’estrema destra in Italia.  

La EL*C dichiara che non tollereremo l’ascesa delle ideologie di estrema destra in Europa e che chiunque sia allineato con l’estrema destra è un nemico diretto della democrazia, dei diritti umani e dello stato di diritto. Flirtare con il nemico non può che portare al fallimento, come abbiamo visto di recente durante le elezioni spagnole, le alleanze con l’estrema destra no pasaran (non passeranno). 

“Siamo vigili e faremo in modo che lo spettro nefasto dell’estrema destra non torni a fare ombra all’Europa. Resisteremo restando forti e costruendo le nostre alleanze tra comunità e movimenti contro l’estrema destra”. – EL*C 

L’EL*C invita tutte le soggettività oppresse, le organizzazioni e le politiche a unire le forze per difendere i diritti delle famiglie lesbiche e delle minoranze in Italia. Altre proteste sono previste per la prossima settimana in Germania, Francia e Regno Unito. 




Les lesbiennes européennes : L’extrême droite perdra ce combat  

Lundi, la Communauté des lesbiennes* d’Europe centrale et d’Asie (EL*C) a adressé une lettre ouverte au Premier ministre italien Giorgia Meloni et a appelé à des manifestations dans toute l’Europe pour protester contre la façon dont le gouvernement italien d’extrême droite traite les familles lesbiennes. EL*C est le plus grand réseau intersectionnel lesbien et féministe d’ONG et d’individus lesbiens à travers l’Europe et l’Asie centrale. 

Dans un élan d’unité et de solidarité, des manifestations ont eu lieu le vendredi 28 juillet en France (Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux), en Belgique (Bruxelles), au Portugal (Lisbonne, Portugal), en Espagne (Alicante) où les lesbiennes et leurs alliés se sont rassemblés pour soutenir les mères lesbiennes italiennes, les LGBT et tous les groupes affectés par la politique haineuse et néfaste du gouvernement de Meloni. EL*C souligne que son travail de plaidoyer et ses actions sont toujours intersectionnels et déclare ces manifestations en solidarité avec la communauté LGBTIQ et les groupes racialisés en Italie (les Roms, les migrants et les réfugiés) qui sont également les cibles directes des politiques néfastes de l’extrême-droite. 

Aujourd’hui, le directeur du plaidoyer de l’EL*C a rencontré l’ambassadeur adjoint de l’Italie en Belgique ce matin, tout en sachant que la position du gouvernement italien ne changerait pas. L’EL*C s’engage fermement à soutenir les lesbiennes féministes italiennes dans leurs efforts résolus pour contester le règne de l’extrême droite sur l’Italie. 

Aujourd’hui, la directrice du plaidoyer de l’EL*C a rencontré l’ambassadeur adjoint de l’Italie en Belgique ce matin, tout en sachant que la position du gouvernement italien ne changerait pas. L’EL*C s’engage fermement à soutenir les lesbiennes féministes italiennes dans leurs efforts résolus pour contester le règne de l’extrême droite en Italie. 

L’EL*C déclare que nous ne tolérerons pas la montée des idéologies d’extrême droite en Europe et que quiconque s’aligne sur l’extrême droite est un ennemi direct de la démocratie, des droits de l’homme et de l’État de droit. Flirter avec l’ennemi est voué à l’échec, comme nous l’avons vu récemment lors des élections espagnoles, l’alliance avec l’extrême droite no pasaran (ne passera pas). 

“Nous restons vigilants et nous veillerons à ce que le spectre néfaste de l’extrême droite n’assombrisse pas l’Europe une fois de plus. Nous résisterons en restant forts et en construisant nos alliances entre les communautés et les mouvements contre l’extrême droite”. – EL*C 

L’EL*C appelle tous les individus, organisations et politiciens à unir leurs forces pour défendre les droits des familles lesbiennes et des communautés marginalisées en Italie. D’autres manifestations sont prévues la semaine prochaine en Allemagne, en France et au Royaume-Uni. 






Italiano in basso  ||  Español abajo  ||  Français ci-dessous  ||  Português abaixo

«Io Sono Giorgia, Sono una madre»: «Noi siamo lesbiche, anche noi siamo madri»
«I am Giorgia, I am a mother»: «We are lesbians, we are mothers too»
The response of the European lesbians to Giorgia Meloni and the Italian far right


Not-so-dear Giorgia Meloni,

The EL*C is a network of lesbian organizations in Europe and Central Asia and we are addressing this letter to you because we are worried with the news that Italian prosecutors are demanding the elimination of lesbian mothers from the birth certificates of their children. 

In Padua alone, 33 children are being denied their fundamental rights. Withdrawing one of their mothers from the birth certificate will have major impacts on their everyday life. Their mom cannot pick them up at school, they might not be able to do educational activities and they will not be able to travel. Their right to healthcare will be in danger, as only one parent will be able to authorize medical procedures (from the flu shot to urgent life-saving procedures). 

We are addressing you because we know that you have used motherhood as the building block of your political campaign. You have put the protection of the family at the center of your government’s action. But we were never fooled, we knew you were using being a mother to justify your hateful narrative. We knew you were weaponizing your own exclusive and damaging definition of motherhood to hurt us, lesbians and other parents outside your narrow definition. This is now evident.

Is your political ideology more important than the rights of our children? Is it worth denying fundamental rights to lesbian families to gain political consent? What will you achieve by pitting the rights of our children against other children?

Lesbians are full members of Italian society, the Italian government benefits from our tax money while infringing on our parental rights. And we know this is only one step in a downward spiral against lesbians’ and women’s rights altogether.  We have seen it happen before in Italy with the far right in power. Italian lesbians are not backing down from this fight and they have the full support of lesbians all over Europe.

The lesbians of Europe are keeping a close eye on Italy as this adversity unfolds and we stand in solidarity with the Italian lesbian community, following their lead and ensuring that you, Giorgia Meloni, and your hateful politics do not let the wrong side of history win. We are calling on all our members to show their rage and solidarity at Italian embassies and consulates this weekend all over Europe. 

You are a mother. Lesbians are mothers too, we will protect our children and we will fight to the fullest extent for our rights and against the hateful narrative that your government is spreading!

#ProtectLesbianFamilies #LesbiansAreMothersToo #AncheNoiSiamoMadri

Sincerely, strongly and unhappily acquainted,




“Io sono Giorgia, sono una madre”: “Noi siamo lesbiche, anche noi siamo madri”. 
La risposta delle lesbiche europee a Giorgia Meloni e all’estrema destra italiana


Giorgia Meloni,

Ti scriviamo, a nome di EL*C, rete di organizzazioni lesbiche in Europa e Asia Centrale, perchè sappiamo che i procuratori italiani stanno chiedendo di eliminare le madri lesbiche dai certificati di nascita dei loro figli. 

Solo a Padova, a 33 bambini vengono negati i diritti fondamentali. L’eliminazione di una delle loro madri dall’atto di nascita avrà un forte impatto sulla loro vita quotidiana. Una delle loro madri non potrà andare a prenderli a scuola, potrebbero non essere in grado di svolgere attività didattiche e non potranno viaggiare. Il loro diritto all’assistenza sanitaria sarà in pericolo perchè solo un genitore potrà autorizzare le procedure mediche (dai vaccini agli interventi di emergenza). 

Ti scriviamo perché tu e il tuo governo avete usato la maternità come elemento fondante della campagna politica. Avete messo la protezione della famiglia al centro delle vostre azioni di governo. Ma noi non ci siamo mai fatte ingannare, sapevamo che stavi usando l’essere madre per giustificare l’odio e la discriminazione. Sapevamo che stavi usando una nozione escludente di maternità per ferire noi, le lesbiche e gli altri genitori che non rientrano nella vostra ristretta definizione. è ormai evidente che avevamo ragione.

La vostra ideologia politica è più importante dei diritti dellə nostrə figliə ? Vale la pena negare i diritti fondamentali alle famiglie lesbiche per ottenere consenso politico?Cosa otterrete contrapponendo i diritti dellə nostrə  figliə a quelli di altrə  bambinə ?

Le lesbiche fanno parte a pieno titolo della società italiana, il governo italiano beneficia dei soldi delle nostre tasse mentre viola i nostri diritti di genitori. E sappiamo che questo è solo un passo in una spirale negativa contro i diritti delle lesbiche e delle donne in generale.  In Italia con l’estrema destra al potere, lo abbiamo già visto accaderee. Le lesbiche italiane non si tirano indietro in questa lotta e hanno il pieno sostegno delle lesbiche di tutta Europa.

Le lesbiche d’Europa continuano a guardare preoccupate all’Italia e sono solidali con la comunità lesbica italiana. Lavoreremo con loro perchè la vostra politica d’odio non faccia vincere il lato sbagliato della storia. Questo fine settimana, chiediamo a tutti le organizzazioni che fanno parte del nostro network di manifestare la loro rabbia e solidarietà davanti alle ambasciate e i consolati italiani in tutta Europa. 

Tu sei una madre. Anche le lesbiche sono madri, proteggeremo i nostri figli e lotteremo fino in fondo per i nostri diritti e contro l’idelogia d’odio che il vostro governo sta diffondendo!


#ProtectLesbianFamilies #LesbiansAreMothersToo #AncheNoiSiamoMadri


Non proprio cordinalmente, 






“Io Sono Giorgia, Sono una madre”: ” Noi siamo lesbiche, anche noi siamo madri ”
“Soy Giorgia, soy una madre”: “Somos lesbianas, también somos madres”
La respuesta de las lesbianas europeas a Giorgia Meloni y la extrema derecha italiana


No-tan-querida Giorgia Meloni,

EL*C es una red de organizaciones de lesbianas de Europa y Asia Central y le dirigimos esta carta porque estamos preocupadas con la noticia de que los fiscales italianos exigen la eliminación de las madres lesbianas de los certificados de nacimiento de sus hijos. 

Sólamente en Padua, a 33 niños se les están negando sus derechos fundamentales. Retirar a la madre de uno de ellos de la partida de nacimiento tendrá importantes repercusiones en su vida cotidiana. Su madre no podrá recogerlos en el colegio, no podrán realizar actividades educativas y no podrán viajar. Su derecho a la asistencia sanitaria estará en peligro, ya que sólo uno de los progenitores podrá autorizar procedimientos médicos (desde la vacuna contra la gripe hasta procedimientos urgentes para salvar vidas). 

Nos dirigimos a usted porque sabemos que ha utilizado la maternidad como pilar de su campaña política. Usted ha puesto la protección de la familia en el centro de la acción de su gobierno. Pero nunca nos engañó, sabíamos que estaba utilizando el hecho de ser madre para justificar su odiosa narrativa. Sabíamos que estaba utilizando como arma su propia definición exclusiva y perjudicial de la maternidad para hacernos daño a nosotras, a las lesbianas y a otros progenitores que no se ajustan a su estrecha definición. Ahora esto es evidente.

¿Es su ideología política más importante que los derechos de nuestros hijos? ¿Merece la pena negar derechos fundamentales a las familias lesbianas para obtener el consenso entorno a sus políticas? ¿Qué conseguirá oponiendo los derechos de nuestros hijos a los de otros niños?

Las lesbianas somos miembros de pleno derecho de la sociedad italiana, el gobierno italiano se beneficia del dinero de nuestros impuestos mientras vulnera nuestros derechos parentales. Y sabemos que esto es sólo un paso en una espiral descendente contra los derechos de las lesbianas y las mujeres en general.  Ya lo hemos visto antes en Italia con la extrema derecha en el poder. Las lesbianas italianas no se echan atrás en esta lucha y cuentan con todo el apoyo de las lesbianas de toda Europa.

Las lesbianas de Europa siguen de cerca a Italia mientras se desarrolla esta adversidad y nos solidarizamos con la comunidad lésbica italiana, siguiendo su ejemplo y asegurándonos de que Ud., Giorgia Meloni, y su odiosa política no dejéis que gane el lado equivocado de la historia. Hacemos un llamamiento a todas nuestras asociadas (organizaciones e individuas) para que muestren su rabia y solidaridad en las embajadas y consulados italianos este fin de semana en toda Europa. 

Eres una madre. Las lesbianas también somos madres, ¡protegeremos a nuestros hijos y lucharemos al máximo por nuestros derechos y contra la narrativa de odio que su gobierno está difundiendo!


#ProtectLesbianFamilies #LesbiansAreMothersToo #AncheNoiSiamoMadri


Sinceramente, fuerte e infelizmente conocido,






“Io sono Giorgia, sono una madre”: “Noi siamo lesbiche, anche noi siamo madri”.
“Je suis Giorgia, je suis une mère” : “Nous sommes des lesbiennes, nous sommes aussi des mères”.

La réponse des lesbiennes européennes à Giorgia Meloni et à l’extrême droite italienne


Giorgia Meloni,

Nous vous écrivons au nom d’EL*C, le plus grand réseau d’organisations lesbiennes d’Europe et d’Asie centrale, parce que nous avons appris que les procureurs italiens exigent que les mères lesbiennes ne figurent plus sur les certificats de naissance de leurs enfants. 

Rien qu’à Padoue, 33 enfants ont ainsi été privés de leurs droits fondamentaux. Supprimer une de leurs mères  de l’acte de naissance aura un impact considérable sur leur vie quotidienne. L’une de leurs mères ne pourra pas aller les chercher à l’école, iels ne pourront peut-être pas participer à des activités éducatives et iels ne pourront pas voyager. Leur droit aux soins de santé sera menacé parce qu’un seul parent pourra autoriser les procédures médicales (des vaccins aux interventions d’urgence). 

Nous vous écrivons parce que vous avez fait de la maternité la pierre angulaire de votre campagne politique. Puis, vous avez placé la protection de la famille au centre de votre action gouvernementale. Nous n’avons jamais été dupes, nous savions que vous utilisiez la maternité pour justifier la haine et la discrimination. Nous savions que vous utilisiez une notion d’exclusion de la maternité pour nous blesser, nous, les lesbiennes et les autres parents qui ne correspondent pas à votre définition étroite. Il est maintenant clair que nous avions raison.

Votre idéologie politique est-elle plus importante que les droits de nos enfants ? Cela vaut-il la peine de nier les droits fondamentaux des familles lesbiennes pour obtenir un consensus politique ? Que gagnez-vous à opposer les droits de nos enfants à ceux d’autres enfants ?

Les lesbiennes font partie intégrante de la société italienne, le gouvernement italien bénéficie de nos impôts tout en piétinant nos droits parentaux. Et nous savons que ce n’est qu’une étape d’une spirale sans fin contre les droits des lesbiennes et des femmes en général. Nous avons déjà vu cela se produire en Italie avec l’extrême droite au pouvoir. Les lesbiennes italiennes ne reculent pas dans ce combat et ont le soutien total des lesbiennes de toute l’Europe.

Les lesbiennes d’Europe continuent de regarder l’Italie avec inquiétude et sont solidaires de la communauté lesbienne italienne. Nous travaillerons avec elles pour que votre politique de haine ne laisse pas le mauvais côté de l’histoire gagner. Ce week-end, nous demandons à toutes les organisations qui font partie de notre réseau de manifester leur colère et leur solidarité devant les ambassades et les consulats italiens dans toute l’Europe. 

Vous êtes une mère, vous l’avez suffisamment répété pendant la campagne. « Io sono Giorgia, Io sono una madre… ».  Les lesbiennes sont aussi des mères, nous protégerons nos enfants et nous nous battrons jusqu’au bout pour nos droits et contre le discours haineux que votre gouvernement répand !


#AncheNoiSiamoMadri #ProtectLesbianFamilies #LesbiansAreMothersToo #WeAreMothers too


Veuillez trouvez l’assurance de toute notre combativité,





«Io Sono Giorgia, Sono una madre»: «Noi siamo lesbiche, anche noi siamo madri»
«Eu sou Giorgia, eu sou mãe»: «Somos lésbicas, também somos mães»
A resposta das lésbicas europeias a Giorgia Meloni e à extrema-direita italiana


(Não tão) Cara Giorgia Meloni,

O EL*C é uma rede de organizações lésbicas na Europa e na Ásia Central e estamos a dirigir-lhe esta carta porque
estamos preocupadas com a notícia de que procuradores italianos estão a exigir a eliminação de mães lésbicas das
certidões de nascimento de seus/suas filhos/as.

Só em Pádua, 33 crianças estão privadas dos seus direitos fundamentais. Retirar uma das suas mães da certidão de
nascimento das crianças tem e terá grandes impactos na sua vida cotidiana. A mãe não pode ir buscá-las à escola, podem
não poder fazer atividades educacionais e não poderão viajar. O seu direito à saúde estará em perigo, pois apenas uma
das figuras parentais poderá autorizar procedimentos médicos (desde a vacina contra a gripe até procedimentos
urgentes para salvar vidas).

Estamos a dirigir-lhe esta carta porque sabemos que usou a maternidade como o alicerce da sua campanha política.
Colocou a proteção da família no centro da ação do seu governo. Mas nunca fomos enganadas, sabíamos que estava a
usar o fato de ser mãe para justificar a sua narrativa odiosa. Sabíamos que estava a promover a sua própria definição
exclusiva e prejudicial da maternidade para nos magoar, a lésbicas e outras figuras parentais fora da sua definição de
família. Isso agora é evidente.

A sua ideologia política é mais importante que os direitos das nossas crianças? Vale a pena negar direitos fundamentais a
famílias lésbicas para obter consentimento político? O que conseguirá colocando os direitos das nossas crianças contra
outras crianças?

As lésbicas são membros plenos da sociedade italiana, o governo italiano beneficia do dinheiro dos nossos impostos
enquanto infringe os nossos direitos parentais. E sabemos que este é apenas um passo numa espiral descendente contra
os direitos das lésbicas e das mulheres. Já vimos isso acontecer antes na Itália com a extrema direita no poder. As
lésbicas italianas não estão a desistir desta luta e têm o total apoio das lésbicas de toda a Europa.

As lésbicas da Europa com atenção à Itália enquanto esta adversidade se desenrola e estamos solidárias com a
comunidade lésbica italiana, seguindo o seu exemplo e garantindo que a Giorgia Meloni, e a sua política, não deixem o
lado errado da história vencer . Pedimos a todos os nossos membros que demonstrem sua raiva e solidariedade nas
embaixadas e consulados italianos neste fim de semana em toda a Europa.

É uma mãe. As lésbicas também são mães, protegeremos os/as nossos/as filhos/as e lutaremos ao máximo pelos nossos
direitos e contra a narrativa odiosa que o seu governo está a promover!

#ProtectLesbianFamilies #LesbiansAreMothersToo #AncheNoiSiamoMadri


Atenciosamente e infelizmente,



What: EL*C #4 Conference
When: 7-10 October 2024
Where: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Why: To support and champion the lesbian movement in Central Asia
Who: EL*C & Feminita
How: Pre-register to show interest in participating!

Created in 2016, the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community (EL*C) is a vibrant network of lesbian NGOs and individuals from Europe and Central Asia, spreading from Lisbon to Bishkek, reaching Oslo all the way to Nicosia. Within a short time span, the EL*C has organized three international conferences on lesbian and feminist issues. Taking place in Austria (2017), Ukraine (2019) and Hungary (2022), these large-scale events peaked the interest of several hundred participants including activists, artists, researchers, politicians, social workers and ordinary citizens, joined by their common desire to meaningfully discuss a shared future characterized by fairness, prosperity, environmental consciousness, sustainability and a bolder lesbian-centric thought and presence. 


Feminita, the Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative, is a grassroots collective with a queer and feminist approach. Its mission is to foster and empower communities of women’s rights activists, working towards social, political, economic, and cultural transformation for marginalized groups in Kazakhstan, including lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender women and women with disabilities.


Why an international lesbian conference in Kazakhstan?
This historic event marks the first international feminist and LGBTI+ conference held in Central Asia. Anticipating over 300 participants based on sustained attendance to our previous events, this conference will bring together professional practitioners, human rights defenders, politicians, academics, philanthropists, and individuals from Central Asia, Europe and beyond. This event will provide a platform to engage in substantial discussions, and celebrate the importance of feminist solidarity and allyship, highlighting the need for international cooperation to safeguard hard-earned progress in gender justice against anti-gender movements in Central Asia and all over the world.

By embracing ecofeminism, the EL*C conference in Kazakhstan will address the interdependence of  lesbian rights, opposition to gender-based oppression, and environmentalism, emphasising the need for a holistic approach that addresses the exploitation of both women and gender minorities with the natural world while advocating for social justice and sustainability.

In addition to the insightful workshops and plenary panels, attendees will have the unique opportunity to experience the culture and beauty of the host country and region and get to know Kazakhstan’s extraordinary experiences, history, breath-taking natural landscapes, and exceptional architectural blend of tradition and modernity. By showcasing the remarkable Kazakhstani values of diversity, inclusivity, and social responsibility, the 4th EL*C conference will contribute to furthering human rights, feminism and environmental justice advancements in Central Asia.


Pre-register to show interest in participating & support the Central Asian lesbian movement!

We will contact you when registration opens and more information is available. The pre-registration form is available in the following languages:


EL*C note: this is the message from our colleagues from Belarus, unedited and unmodified.

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of Belarusian LGBTQI+ communities and coalition of Belarusian LGBTQI+ activists, groups and initiatives, we are reaching out to you to inform you about recent rapid negative developments in Belarus in relation to safety of LGBTQI+ people, and state sexual and reproductive rights in the country. With this letter, we ask for your solidarity and support in raising awareness among funders, international CSOs and your respective Ministries of International Affairs in relation to the situation in Belarus.

On June 19th 2023, the General Prosecution Office of Belarus has informed about new legislative initiatives supported by the ex-president of Belarus, Aliaksandr Lukashenka, which will be developed on the following matters: increase of parental responsibilities in relation to sexual crimes committed to children; defining the administrative punishment for “propaganda on non-traditional sexual relations, sex change, pedophilia, and child-free”, and integration of obligatory sex education course into the school curriculum.

Within the Belarusian LGBTQI+ movement, we share grave concern for this news. While the Belarusian pro-state political actors have been forcing adoption of the Russian law on “LGBTQ+ propaganda” many time, this is the first time when the endorsement of the law has been expressed by the ex-president and first time when the General Prosecution Office has publicly announced that they were tasked to develop the administrative punishment for “the propaganda”. Taking into account the recent deterioration of the legal and justice systems in Belarus and creation of several legal initiatives in Russia attacking of freedoms and rights of LGBTQI+ people (specifically, full-ban and increased prosecution for “LGBTQ+ propaganda” and ban of gender affirmative health care), we project that once the law is drafted, it will be quickly adopted. It will heavily affect already vulnerable LGBTQI+ people in the country and will open new ground for political persecutions of activists. We also foresee that the design and integration of the obligatory sex education course will translate into pro-life conservative actors gaining access to children and youth, promoting damaging perspectives on SHRR, and seeking for international funding to GONGOs who will maintain the facade of “progressive sex education” in school.

To prepare for the potential crisis, we ask for your solidarity and support in raising awareness about these developments and preparing for the rapid deterioration of the situation in Belarus. Specifically, we ask you:

  1. Reach out to your respective Ministries of International Affairs or ally politicians and request them to ask questions on the high political level about these developments both to the pro-state authorities in Belarus and Belarusian opposition in exile, specifically Sviatlana Tsikanouskaya office, in case your country maintains diplomatic relations with Belarus.
  2. Reach out to your current partners in Belarus and engage in a meaningful discussion about reallocation of resources which are needed now for advocacy efforts and community mobilization.
  3. Share news about these developments with ally funders and international organizations. For the sake of security, we DO NOT ask for high publicity of this issue yet, and, thus, are not asking for support with media visibility.
  4. Start allocating emergency resources for the new wave of LGBTQI+ relocation from Belarus. This could include assistance with visas and accommodation, rehabilitation and psychological support programmes, and direct evacuation.
  5. Support Belarusian LGBTQI+ movements with expertise on counter-acting such legislative developments. We are actively seeking for working solutions on how to address these developments – in case you have capacity to support us with learning sessions, we would appreciate it.

We thank you in advance for your support of Belarusian LGBTQI+ communities. In case you need more information about the country’s context, you are welcome to reach out to us via tendernagender@protonmail.com

EL*C – EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community works to improve the rights, visibility, and well-being of lesbians throughout Europe and Central Asia. This report focuses on lesbophobic violence and discrimination, with a special focus on lesbophobic aspects of harmful practices. The EL*C Observatory on Lesbophobia was launched in Feb 2022 and collected cases from 50 collaborators. The EL*C issues a recommendation to policymakers and public authorities to address lesbophobia, gender-based violence and hate crime against lesbians.

* Please note that the total number of cases reported does not reflect the extent of lesbophobic cases in the countries presented. The extent of reporting is influenced by each organization’s capacity to register cases and the media’s willingness to report on lesbophobia.

Read the full report

40% of cases concerned violence in public spaces, 63% of cases of lesbophobia in public spaces involve couples, with physical aggression often following a refusal to perform certain acts such as refusing the kiss or let a man “join”. Gender expression and non-compliance with gender roles can also trigger violence. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation, with many reporting feeling insecure and experiencing police abuse. Lesbians face violence from family members, including lesbophobic and transphobic murders, and the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the risks. Online spaces have seen an increase in hate speech and patriarchal and misogynistic behaviour. Lesbians face lesbophobic and sexist online insults, disadvantaged online searches and social media, and violence against activists in European and Central Asian countries.

Lesbophobic violence is used to limit the space and freedom of expression that lesbian civil society enjoy in society. In 2021, EL*C identified gaps and challenges in access to justice and support systems and conducted a follow-up survey in November 2022. Legislative gaps in many countries prevent lesbophobic motives from being considered as aggravating circumstances in cases of violent crime against women and LGBTI people, leading to reduced sentences. The European Court of Human Rights found Croatian authorities inadequately responded to a lesbophobic attack. Survivors of lesbophobic violence often fear encountering secondary victimization and lesbophobia when approaching law enforcement and judicial authorities. Lesbians face gender-based violence and lesbophobia, which is underreported and misrepresented in the media.

Politicians and public figures spread hateful narratives without consequence, leading to physical and psychological harm. Lesbians experience violence and lesbophobia in Europe and Central Asia, leading to barriers in accessing justice, prevention and protection. Heteronormative attitudes towards female sexuality create additional difficulties for lesbians experiencing harmful practices such as FGM.

Lesbians face lesbophobia, honour-related crimes and unequal access to public spaces, leading to human rights violations and violence in the family. 

The recommendations of the EL*C in order to combat and address lesbophobia include: explicitly identify lesbophobia as violence at the intersection of homophobia and misogyny; adapt the psychological support and training of healthcare professionals to the realities and difficulties experienced by lesbians; ensure that all incidents of gender-based violence and domestic violence against lesbians are properly and effectively recorded; ensure adequate, accessible, and reliable funding for projects and activities implemented by organisations focused on and led by lesbians; ensure that the training of relevant professionals include sensitization on the specific needs and challenges faced by lesbians; consider, in legislation concerning sexual violence, the increased risk for lesbians; organise public campaigns to counter violence experienced by lesbians in public spaces, in the family and online; address, in legislation concerning domestic, intra-family violence and “honour crimes”, the specific vulnerabilities of lesbians; and ensure that relevant services take into account lesbians’ experience when providing support. 


Read the full report

Three EL*C members and the participants were intimidated by state authorities in Astana during feminist meetings.

Zhanar Sekerbayeva, board member of EL*C and of Feminita Kazakhstan Feminist initiative, reports that on 3 and 5 May: “The Police and several national security agencies, NSD and MSU tried to disrupt our feminist meetings in Astana. Four people came to the first meeting and sat in the corridor (“waiting for an English lesson”) then a district police officer appeared and started searching for a “LGBT meeting”.

At the first meeting four agents of the National Security department (NSD) and a district police officer came to the building. During the second meeting, the officers of the Mobile Security Unit (MSU) entered the building (in bulletproof vests), but too late, the meeting was over and they didn’t find me. Then, the police searched the building again.”

Feminita, an organization focusing on the rights of LBQ women in Kazakhstan, has been trying to request an official registration since 2017 and they have been denied around 10 times. Feminita, an organization focusing on the rights of LBQ women in Kazakhstan, has been trying to request an official registration since 2017 and they have been denied around 10 times. In the past 2 years, despite the promises from the government for a “New and Fair Kazakhstan” promoting democracy and respecting human rights, the situation for LGBTIQ activists has not improved.


After the 2022 demonstrations, civil unrest, and the intervention of Russian forces in the country, human rights activists denounce that it has become even more difficult to protect LGBTIQ rights and their enjoyment of freedom of assembly and expression is limited. LGBTIQ civil society organisations struggle to continue existing as it is impossible for them to legally register in the country.

As the co-founder of Feminita, Zhanar, says: Feminists can’t be stopped by this masculinity “shows”!


We call on the representatives of the EU delegation to Kazakhstan and foreign embassies in Kazakhstan to:

  • monitor the respect of human rights in Kazakhstan;
  • call the Kazakhstan public authorities to end the violations of the right of peaceful assembly of LGBTI activists;
  • express solidarity with Kazakh LGBTI activists by flying the rainbow flag on embassy buildings on 16 & 17 May, the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

Strasbourg is set to become the temporary lesbian capital of Europe as the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community (EL*C) host a series of events during Lesbian Visibility Week in collaboration with the Icelandic presidency to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe from April 24th to 26th, 2023.

The events will feature prominent politicians such as Beatrice Fresko Rolfo and Hannah Bardell, Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), as well as activists from all over the region that will share their experiences and insights into the fight for lesbian rights. With over 40 lesbian human rights defenders from across Europe participating, this event is the largest gathering of its kind that the Council of Europe has ever seen and marks a historic moment in the fight for lesbian visibility and equality.

The PACE is currently discussing lesbian rights, with a focus on preparing a resolution about violence and discrimination against LBQ women. The participation of EL*C marks a critical moment in the struggle for lesbian rights. For this reason:

On the 25 April at 19:00 at Phare Citadelle,  EL*C and the Icelandic Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will host an evening to meet the prominent politicians and lesbian human rights defenders. https://fb.me/e/2cyWnvrtY


  • Inspirational speeches
    19:00 – 19:10 Welcoming addresses
    A representative of the Icelandic Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
    Hannah Bardell, MP, SNP, Member of PACE, United Kingdom
  • Speeches from LBQ human rights defenders
    19:10 – 19:25

    • Nadhéra Beletreche (Mille et une lesbiennes et queers)
    • Helena Vukovic (L* communio, Serbia)
    • Dragana Todorovic (EL*C Executive Director)
  • Lesbian culture celebration
    19:30 – 20:00 Artivist Flamenco Performance: Noelia La Negri (Spain)
    20:00 – 20:05 Presentation of Strasbourg local events for Lesbian Visibility Day
    20:30 – 20:45 Drag king performance: Max Warne-Lee-Souh
    20:45 – 22:00 DJ sets: Nada of Bizarr Duo (Montenegro) & Zoe Heselton (Strasbourg)
    Ongoing: Expositions Klara Rosatti + Documentary “What we are fighting for” (Ukraine)


The following day is Lesbian Visibility day and we will dive into the discrimination and violence faced by LBQ women with an event,  co-sponsored by Beatrice Fresko-Rolfo and the Icelandic Presidency,  and taking place on 26 April at 12:45 in the PACE building.  The livestream of the event will be available in EL*C Youtube page at this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/CcwbWWXe1B8?feature=share

Moderator: Beatrice Fresko-Rolfo, PACE Rapporteur on preventing and combating violence and discrimination against LBQ women in Europe


  • Ilaria Todde, EL*C Advocacy and Research Director,
  • Nadhéra Beletreche, Mille et une lesbiennes et queers, France
  • Angela Frolov, GENDERDOC, Moldova
  • Evgenia Giakoumopoulou, Head of the SOGI Unit CoE


Strasbourg, with its rich history of human rights activism, is the perfect setting for this gathering of lesbian activists from across the continent. With this event, Strasbourg becomes the temporary lesbian capital of Europe, beating with the heart of lesbian activism. 

At EL*C, we firmly believe that the recognition of the rights of lesbians is essential for the advancement of human rights and social justice. Lesbians face a unique set of challenges, including discrimination, violence, and invisibility. Lesbian Visibility Week is not just about celebrating lesbian visibility and equality; it’s about empowering and inspiring a new generation of lesbian activists to take up the mantle of change.  

The experiences of older lesbians in Europe have been largely invisible in research and society, with little attention paid to their financial situation, access to healthcare and housing, and the impact of discrimination on their lives. EL*C’s groundbreaking report “Making the Invisible Visible: an analysis of older lesbians’ lived experiences” seeks to address this gap by providing qualitative insights, recommendations for policy makers and service providers and by reflecting on the historical circumstances, intersecting discrimination and misconception that influence the decision making of authorities and service providers.

The report highlights the limitations of the FRA 2019 LGBTI survey in terms of not adequately representing EL*C’s target group, including lesbians aged 55+. It also notes that women are generally underrepresented in the data, and that the sample sizes for some countries are too small for quantitative analysis. The report employs a multi-methodological approach, including desk research, quantitative analysis of the FRA data, and qualitative interviews to analyze the experiences and needs of senior lesbians in the following European Union member states: Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, Spain and Portugal. 

Financial insecurity is a major issue for many older lesbians, at the intersection of different societal phenomenona, with women in general tending to be in temporary, part-time or precarious employment, and LGBTI older persons at greater financial risk. Lesbian retirees and women-only households face heightened exposure to precarious employment, contributing to the gender pension gap and old age poverty. Patriarchal pension systems benefit men who were married, while senior lesbians struggle with financial insecurity and isolation. 

Older lesbians also face discrimination in healthcare systems, with misogyny being a key factor. Discrimination impacts general health, with many senior lesbians facing unmet healthcare needs due to minority stress and exclusionary healthcare. Mental health issues, including depression, are common. 

Housing is another area of concern for many older lesbians, with 19% experiencing difficulties in this area, which is higher than cis men of the same age range. Access to private property may be limited due to family rejection and marriage laws. Discrimination in care facilities is also prevalent, with many older lesbians fearing being forced to hide their identity. Senior lesbians often do not feel comfortable in “mainstream” senior spaces,may fear how others will react negatively and are therefore forced back into the closet. 

Lesbian activists and their allies featured in this research have found solutions to the many issues highlighted in this research. Lesben und Alter, a lesbian organisation focusing on older lesbian in Germany, provides help and support, creates community and organises training for healthcare and longcare professionals. Individual activists and informal groups are very active in the EU. LGBTI, feminist and elderly organisations in Greece, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic and Portugal are including a lesbian and gender-aware perspective in their work.  

Many older lesbians have had to face systematic discrimination and violence in their lifetime, both in society and within their families of origin. Thus, they were obliged to mobilise resources, find creative solutions and develop strong intergenerational networks to cope with this situation and with unwanted loneliness. Much more can be done, and it is now time that older lesbians are supported in this endeavor. For this reason, the report highlights the need for more actions from public authorities and academic institutions.  

Read the full report: Making the Invisible Visible: an analysis of older lesbians lived experiences


EL*C is launching a call for tenders for services related to the research on the implementation of the anti-discrimination principle of the Istanbul Convention.

We are looking for candidates with:

  • Demonstrated experience in conducting research on human rights standards, gender equality policies or LGBTI rights at national, European and international levels.
  • Excellent data analysis skills, especially in analysis of legal text, policy and practices by public authorities.
  • Demonstrated intersectional feminist background.
  • Good understanding of current and past struggles of LBTI women and non-binary persons.
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal, and project management skills.
  • Sense of initiative and ability to be self-supporting, including ability to deliver under pressure and within tight deadlines.
  • Excellent drafting skills and ability to render complex, technical and/or legal terminology understandable and communicable.
  • Excellent English and excellent knowledge of another EU language.
  • Good knowledge of an additional EU languages is a strong asset.


In order to apply please submit via email at ilaria.todde@lesbiangenius.org and by 26 March 2023 with the following documents:

➡ CV of the consultant detailing past and current professional experience 5
➡ The Technical proposal
➡ The Provider, shall also send a quote (Pro Forma invoice) and including: –

  • the Service Provider’s name and address;
  • its VAT number;
  • the full list of services;
  • the fee per type of deliverables (in the local currency, tax exclusive);
  • the total amount per type of deliverables (in the local currency, tax exclusive);
  • the total amount, tax exclusive, the applicable VAT rate, the amount of VAT and the amount VAT inclusive
  • the budget should include all costs related to this consultancy, including for example travel costs.


All documents shall be submitted in English, failure to do so will result in the exclusion of the tender. If any of the documents listed above are missing, EL*C reserve the right to reject the tender.


DOWLOAD THE CALL FOR TENDER: Call-for-tenders-Istanbul-convention



Deadline: All documents should be submitted via e-mail to the following email addresses: ilaria.todde@lesbiangenius.org by 26 March 2023 at 23:59 CET