Rutendo Madzikanda

Rutendo (Rue) is a Pan-African feminist, researcher, cultural curator and event organiser. Rutendo is passionate about creating spaces where people learn more about queer rights and the preservation of an African identity, through narrative and representation. She was born and raised in Zimbabwe and has been living in Germany for over six years. They hold a B.A in Gender and Diversity Studies and have authored the first and only exisiting research on queer women in Zimbabwe. Rutendo is currently based in Berlin where they co-founded the Pan-African collective Isusu Ffena (Us Together in Shona and Luganda). At the crux of Rutendo’s work is actively unpacking what it means to be a queer black intersectional feminist; exploring more naunced  and decolonial afro-centric feminism. Rutendo hopes that through their work they can contribute to the representation of queer Africans.
Rutendo Madzikanda has spoken at the following events

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