Sara Merec, “Isla Ignorada”

Visual artist living in Madrid. Graduated in Business Management (UAM). Her photographic training has been developed in Blankpaper (2010) and EFTI (Professional Course, 2011 and Master of Contemporary Photography and Personal Projects, 2015/16).

Her work Ignored Island has been published in EXC! (2016). She has self-published the book Woundedland (2016) and the newspaper Ignored Island (2017). She has participated in collective exhibitions, such as Pa-ta-ta Festival, Granada (2017), “Hacia Donde Mirar”, Madrid (2016/17) and “Fotoproyectos 13”, Unonueve Gallery, Madrid (2016).

“Strange and far away islands”
The image may be an archaeological enigma of difficult interpretation. The pass of time or vested interests can alter its meaning. In the same way, a simple photograph can legitimize obviated realities and with that modify the course of History. The images have the ability to uncover the truth, and sometimes they do it with obstinacy, reappearing a hundred years later under the ice or in an album forgotten in box. Contemporary photography must be aware of its power, but also of the fragility and expiration of its message, as vulnerable as that left by shipwrecks in a bottle”.

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