Lesbians at work: Coming out at the workplace Lesbians at work have to decide if and when they come out at work. A recent study in Switzerland (Parini 2015) showed that 42% of homosexuals are out at work, 43.5% are partially out and 14.5% are in. What experiences of lesbians are hidden behind these numbers? Through interviews with 15 lesbians, aged 30 to 50 years, we reconstructed their experiences before and after their first coming out at their workplace. This talk will highlight factors that are important in the coming-out process at work and supportive factors form employers. Bio – Andrea Gurtner Andrea Gurtner is a social-, work-and organizational psychologist at the Bern University of Applied Sciences Business School where she does research on diversity & inclusion, with focus on the dimensions gender, sexual orientation & gender identity and age. She is also a member of WyberNet, the Swiss network for professionally engaged lesbian women. In cooperation with other Swiss LGBTI Organisations she is engaged in developing and implementing of a Swiss LGBTI-Label for Organizations with an open and inclusive culture. She lives in Bern with her partner. She is also the mother of three grown up sons and