Karin Rick

Karin Rick. Erotic fiction Writer since 1989. Published 11 novels and short stories. Graduation from the Translators Institutes in Vienna and Paris, majoring in Communications and Art History, teaching at University Nancy II, Ecole des Mines in Nancy, France. Organization of numerous conferences on female aesthetics, gender differences, art history and French literature. Translations of Hélène Cixous, Robbe-Grillet, Shere Hite u.a. Novels, e.g. Venuswelle (Venuswave), 2015, Chaosgirl, 2009, (English: Twists of Lust and Trust, 2015; Wilde Liebe (Wild Love), 2007, Furien in Ferien – ein Lesbosabenteuer, 2004; Sex ist die Antwort (Sex is the answer), 2006 etc. http://www.karin-rick.at/
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