Lopa Banerjee

Lopa Banerjee is the Executive Coordinator of the Generation Equality Forum and Director of the Civil Society Division at UN-Women. She leads UN-Women’s work on the Generation Equality Forum, the global, multistakeholder partnership initiative launched to accelerate the achievement of gender equality commitments. Lopa helms UN-Women’s strategic engagement and partnership initiatives with women’s and human rights groups and civil society networks, youth groups and social justice actors to promote intersectional partnerships for gender equality. Her work focuses on allyship with diverse stakeholders to influence global action on gender equality, in particular related to standard setting, policy discussion and stakeholder accountability. She supports UN-Women’s convening role in engaging diverse stakeholders for influence and support for the gender equality agenda. A gender and human rights thematic expert, Lopa’s long career in international development has focused on advocacy and partnership building in support of gender equality. Prior to joining the United Nations, she worked with the private sector in India in advertising and the media. She has lived in India, South Africa, Iran, Bangladesh, and the United States of America. Lopa’s areas of specialization include feminist policy advocacy and inclusive partnership engagement. She has one daughter and lives in New York City.
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