🗓 WHEN? December 17th
⏰ AT WHAT TIME? 12 p.m. CET
⏳ HOW LONG? 1.5 hours
📍 WHERE? Online – Zoom
On December 17th, we will be presenting an online event that sheds light on the experiences and needs of a too often underrepresented and marginalized group within the LBQ community: racialized lesbians. This event will reveal the findings of the most recent research project conducted by EL*C, focusing on the lived realities of Central Asian, Roma, Black, and racialized LBQ women and non-binary persons in the EU.
Note: EL*C uses the word Lesbian as a broad, inclusive term that encompasses all women and persons perceived as non-heterosexual women. It includes trans, intersex women, and nonbinary persons who identify with the lesbian struggle.
- To raise awareness about the experiences and needs of racialized lesbians in the EU.
- To create an inclusive platform for dialogue and collaboration among LGBTQI activists, human rights advocates, feminist organizations, and related institutions.
- To provide data and insights that can influence policies, research agendas, and educational initiatives focused on equity and inclusion for racialized LBQ people.
Target Audience
- LGBTQI community members, activists, and allies.
- Feminist activists.
- Human rights advocates and activists.
- Researchers, policymakers, and educators.
12:00 p.m. – 12:10 p.m. Opening Remarks
- Welcome message by Dragana Todorovic, Executive Director of EL*C + Significance of this research in the context of feminist Human Rights advocacy.
- Presentation of the Research framework by Aïda Yancy, Advocacy officer and Research coordinator, EL*C.
12:10 p.m. – 12:35 p.m. Presentation of the research findings
- Speakers:
Aldessa Lincan and Alba Hernández Sánchez, researchers on Roma Lesbians.
Dr. Nat Arias, researcher on BPOC Lesbians.
Nadira Masiumova, researcher on Central Asian Lesbians.
12:35 p.m. – 12:40 p.m. Video Message from Melissa Camara MEP
12:40 p.m. – 1:10 p.m. Panel Discussion: “Effective inclusion: Anti-racism and LGBTIQ strategies that cater to racialized LBQ women and non-binary persons.”
- Moderator: Aïda Yancy.
- Speakers:
Katri LEIKAS, Policy officer at the EU Commission’s Anti-Racism and Roma Coordination.
Representative from the UN Gender Equality Forum’s Action Coalition 6 on Feminist movements and leadership (TBC).
Dr. Zeynab Alsadat PEYGHAMBARZADEH, Researcher, Asylum expert, and member of the Research steering committee.
- Discussion on the inclusion of LBQ women and non-binary persons in Feminist, Antiracist, and LGBTIQ strategies.
1:10 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.: Q&A Session and Closing Remarks
- Open floor for audience questions and comments.
- Summary of key takeaways and call to action.