Lesbianising the Istanbul Convention: Research on the Implementation of the Convention to Protect LBT Women

EL*C publishes today the report “Lesbianising the Istanbul Convention: Research on the Implementation of the Convention to Protect LBT Women”. The report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of lesbian experiences within the legal frameworks and policies created by the Istanbul Convention, the main European convention focusing on violence against women.

In collaboration with legal experts from the University of Valencia and the University of Venice, we took a feminist approach to highlight the gendered aspect of violence against lesbians and advocate for their inclusion in policy discussions concerning violence against women and gender-based violence. Our analysis “lesbianises” the Istanbul Convention to reflect the realities of lesbian, bisexual, and trans women.

We assess the implementation of the Convention’s anti-discrimination clause across 28 countries, drawing insights from expert focus groups and civil society practices. In a political climate where feminist and LGBTI initiatives face constant attacks and backlash, we emphasize the importance of collaboration, sisterhood and allianceship with feminist NGOs and groups.

Our report does not create hierarchies of oppression but seeks to initiate a dialogue while providing an interpretative framework and recommendations to stakeholders who wish to have an inclusive approach in the fight against gender-based violence. 

Disclaimer: A previous version of this report included references to intersex women, after consultation with OII Europe, we decided to remove such references, as well as references to sex characteristics. References to intersex women and “LBTI” included in GREVIO reports and other’s research have been maintained. Thanks to the expertise and knowledge that was generously shared with us, we consider that inclusion of intersex persons within the legal framework of the Convention of Istanbul is worth of a deeper discussion then what was possible within the limited time and resources that were available for this research. This is linked in particular with the limited data available concerning intersex persons lived experiences. EL*C hope to build upon this reflection and step up our collaboration with the intersex community in the future. We also deeply regret the lack of data concerning specifically intersex people and we encourage universities, research institutes and governments to do more.

Find here the Key findings

Find here the Research Report 



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