Mothers Outlaws – Lesbians from all Europe converge in Rome against Meloni

Lesbians from across Europe will demonstrate in Rome this Saturday 27 April 2024, to support lesbian mothers and more broadly all Italian women and trans people, threatened by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her far-right majority.

This March, the Court of Padua ruled in favour of lesbian mothers, rejecting the Italian Prosecutor Office’s request to remove one of the two lesbian mothers, the non-biological one, from the birth certificates of 38 childrens.

A few days after, on March 12th, the Ministry of the Interior challenged the decision and presented an appeal. This court action, which comes after a year of political attacks, threats and (il)legal pressure, is yet another attempt by Meloni and her majority to make our lives and families the battleground of the next European elections.

This Friday, 26 April 2024, on the occasion of the International Day of Lesbian Visibility, the Italian and European lesbian movements will present the fight and resistance against this extreme right-wing government during the PRESS CONFERENCE scheduled at 11 a.m. at the headquarters of Arci Nazionale, via dei Monti di Pietralata 16, Rome.

The protest “MADRI FUORI LEGGE (Outlawed Mothers), Lesbians united for the full recognition of motherhood” will be held on Saturday 27 April 2024, at 5 p.m., in Piazza dell’Esquilino in Rome.

We lesbians know that silence will not protect us. These continuous political attacks show that this government will not stop, not even in front of childrens. Lesbians will not stop either and will take to the Esquiline Square in Rome on 27 April stating forcefully:




The press conference will be held on Friday, April 26 at 11 a.m. at the headquarters of Arci Nazionale, Via dei Monti di Pietralata 16 in Rome, to provide further details.


For press inquiries and attendance confirmation, please contact:
+33 6 64 99 23 49

Natascia Maesi, president of Arcigay
Genny Sangiovanni, Rainbow Families, Italy
Chiara Piccoli, president of ALFI
Silvia Casalino, Executive director of EL*C
Lucia Caponera, Lesbian Difference, Rome

The protest is organized by ALFI, Arcigay Roma, Differenza Lesbica, Arcigay Transfeminist Women’s Network, Arcigay Modena “Matthew Shepard,” Famiglie Arcobaleno, Lesbiche Bologna, Associazione Luki Massa, Associazione Liberas, and Lista Lesbica Italiana, the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian Community (EL*C) and joined by Arci Roma, Azione Gay e Lesbica, Gay Center, NELFA (Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations), RGR (Rete Genitori Rainbow), Cattive Ragazze.


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