Lesbians face violence and discrimination based on multiple factors, because they are or are perceived as women and because they are or are perceived as non-heterosexual. We use the term lesbophobia precisely to indicate this peculiar form of bias at the intersection between misogyny, sexism and homophobia.
Gender is a fundamental element of the lived realities of lesbians, yet it is often forgotten in the analysis of phenomena such as gender-based violence, hate crime, hate speech and discrimination concerning the LGBTI community. As a consequence lesbophobia is at constant risk of “falling into the cracks” of policy-making as well as of the demands of the LGBTI and feminist movements.
In February 2021, the UN Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity opened a call for inputs focusing on the interplay between gender, sexual orientation and gender identity. EL*C submitted this analysis to continue shedding a light on gender as a hidden but crucial factor for lesbians.
This submission puts together the data collected in years of research work conducted by EL*C on lived realities of lesbians as well as the inputs and feedbacks coming from lesbian activists and organisations belonging to EL*C growing network in Europe and Central Asia.
Download here the report -> ELC submission – UN IE SOGI
[embeddoc url=”https://europeanlesbianconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/ELC-submission-UN-IE-SOGI.pdf”]