The rise of populist and right-wing parties lead to instrumentalization of history for political purposes as well as a historical discourse that excludes from the main narrative specific groups such as LGBTQI+ communities. The vulnerability of ‘queer memory’ is reinforced by persistent lesbo/homo/trans/queerphobia in public institutions (state archives, national libraries, etc.) and results in no perspective on the creation of the public, comprehensive, accessible inclusive rainbow archive in many countries. Therefore let’s start building the lesbian archives of our own.


MAKE YOUR LESBIAN ARCHIVE –  COMMUNITY-BASED ARCHIVE 101 will discuss how to create a community archive within your home community/organisation. Through a combination of presentation, group discussion, and short exercises, you will get an overview of the methodology behind community-based archives, the fundamentals of historic records organisation (including the basic principles and practices of arrangement and description of archival materials) as well as short introduction towards oral history work.




The training session will take place on Thu, 28 Sept at 18:30 CET and is lead by Karolina Ufa and Silvia Casalino.

Karolina Ufa is a trainer, activist at Fundacja Q where she is taking care of organizational archives and has a M.A. in Gender Studies, Intersectionality, and Change from the University of Linköping. Fundacja Q in cooperation with Google Arts and Culture opened the first Polish virtual LGBTQ+ museum and has its structure a historical club that is solely focused on collecting, archiving, and disseminating materials about contemporary Polish queer history.

Silvia Casalino is a lesbian activist, university teacher and filmmaker with a master degree in Space Engineering and a passion for lesbian archives. In 2011, she directed her first documentary film No Gravity addressing the journey of women in space technology. In 2017 she co-created the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community. After 3 years of chairmanship, she’s currently the EL*C’s Executive Director.


Open to EL*C member organizations, member individuals and everyone else interested:

Secure your spot: REGISTER NOW!maximum 20 participants


This training session will later be available as a recording for EL*C members. Become an EL*C member!

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