Kazakhstan, March 2nd, 2025
For sisters!
My dears, how are you? Is everything okay? I am in a cell room with girls, we share everything, and it makes time passes more cheerfully and easily. Of course, I am under arrest illegally, the state is so afraid of us, our brave voices, our burning looks and our hot hearts! Do not lose heart and hold on, just like me. The spirit of freedom-loving feminists, lesbians, activists cannot be broken by anyone. Your love, courage, audacity, solidarity support me. We are frightened, they make us feel anxious, that is why it is so important not to break and fight back!
Fight, sister! In this dark time, only you have a flashlight from your phone / a torch that lights the way. Spring has come, it is important for us to clean up, sweep away the patriarchy!
I will go out on March 10 at 15:00, who is able, come to Lobachevsky, 10. Let’s hug first.
Police, NSC [1], Akimat [2] and those who are so afraid of me that they forced me to be in prison, and not with you on our day of struggle, I scream at you with my furious voice: you will never stop freedom of thought, fearlessness and love! We always win! Publish my letter in the media, in your own social media, give it to your friends.
I support you with all my strength, the patriarchy cannot withstand our feminist and queer LBQT-onset. Is it possible to stop time, the singing of birds, the flow of a mountain river?
Anger has become our sister and it helps us in difficult times. As the author, one of the authors, more precisely, of the slogan “Shal, ket[3]!” I feel its epicness and relevance. Patriarchy, go away!
I want to live in Kazakhstan, where women’s rights, LGBTIQ rights are protected and we are not persecuted for our activism, which is regarded by the state as political. Kazakhstan should not live using the laws of the russian federation, because they suppress freedom, dignity and human rights. We are a secular, legal, democratic state! Let’s live by the laws. I grew up on my native land, this is my land, my steppe, my mountains, my stray cats.
I love and hug you very much,
the unconquered rainbow batyrka[4] Zhanar
[1] National Security Committee
[2] Akimat in Kazakhstan is the local government executive body responsible for implementing policies, managing public services, and overseeing regional development.
[3] Old man, go away!
[4] Strong woman