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Event Series Event Series: Conference Vienna


6 October 2017 @ 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Workshop summary on Translesbophobia: The time for alliances has come!
How to conceptualize violence against transgender people – hate crime or gender-based violence?
By Mari-Liis Sepper
European human rights and equality institutions as well as feminist movements have yet to make up their mind on should the violence against trans gender people be dealt in the context of responses to hate crimes or in the framework of combating gender-based violence. I will discuss the learning from Transgender Europe´s research 2009-2017 on trans murders
(http://transrespect.org/en/trans-murder-monitoring/tmm-resources/) and other forms of violence against transgender people, and will invite the participants to the workshop to share their views on this question to identify commonalities across the causes of violence experienced by trans people and LBQ women.
Questioning and thinking together about new and alternative ways and basis for struggles, solidarity.
By Hazalimu Akpınar
A presentation about the critics of essentialism in feminist and LGBTIQ and other political movement. First I will give a definition and problems of essentialism and how lesbian feminists and minority groups critise essentialism. I will ask “Is there essence or nature?, “Is there gender, sex, Woman, Lesbian?”, “Are all constructions or natural?”, “problematic concepts: ID and subjectivity, epresetation”. I try to tell all and more in a philosophical and linguistic perspective. Is it impossible to find a solution? How can we all establish/create a new and alternative basis for solidarity?
A presentation about the issues of being a trans-activist in Siberia/Russia and about the T9 NSK service project for transgender people and their close ones.
By Elise Braun and Maia Everett
It’s mostly about how to work safely and securely in transphobic conditions. Also it is about the particular qualities of building a trans-community.
We plan to tell about:
– our experience as a trans* rights advocacy organization;
– conditions of our work and how they affect our activies;
– how internalized transphobia and cultural considerations influence a
trans* people’s identities;
– basic security protocols and tools for activists;


6 October 2017
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Event Category: