On the occasion of the International Lesbian Visibility Day, Malin Björk MEP, the European Parliament Intergroup on LGBTI Rights and the Europeanlesbianconference are happy to invite you to meet with lesbian activists from all over Europe. They will talk about their actions and work – and why it is important (still) for lesbians* to reclaim […]
Public Round table “Anti-gender movements, nationalist and conservative attack on the rights of women and minorities: Ukrainian realities and international experience” During the round table we will talk about the challenges faced by LGBTQI and women’s movement in Ukraine, the conservative discourse, the nationalist and religious components in it. Why is gender equality in Ukraine […]
This event co organised by the LGBTI Intergroup and the Eurocentralasian Lesbian* Community brings together MEPs, civil society, national representatives and EC staff to discuss lesbian needs in the EU and what responses the EU is providing/should provide under different frameworks and through different institutions.
This event co organised by the LGBTI Intergroup and the Eurocentralasian Lesbian* Community brings together MEPs, civil society, national representatives and EC staff to discuss lesbian needs in the EU and what responses the EU is providing/should provide under different frameworks and through different institutions.
On Lesbian Visibility Day 2022, come the European Parliament for an event hosted by MEP Malin Bjork and featuring the lesbian activists at the centre of today’s most urgent fights for solidarity and equality in the EU.Lesbian activists are working to welcome refugees from Ukraine and beyond, dealing with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and facing the backlash from the far-right movement in Eastern Europe. They are not only part of the women and LGBTI rights movement but are powerful voices of anti-racism movements, fight against anti-Roma backlash and work to empower older people, migrants, and refugees. For Lesbian Visibility Week, we want to make sure that lesbians stay on the agenda and that their contribution to equality and solidarity everywhere is made visible.
Pour marquer ses dix ans d’existence officielle, l’association Les Dégommeuses organise une journée de conférence en partenariat avec EL*C, le 21 juin 2022. Aujourd’hui encore, en France et ailleurs, le sport reste un terrain d’expression privilégié pour la misogynie et la reproduction des normes de genre. L’obsession de la division entre sport féminin et masculin […]
Celebrate visible lesbians during a unique evening at the Tenerife Auditorium, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. We prepared a proper red-carpet Award Gala with discussions and spectacular performances!
Network & foster allyship around lesbian visibility while fundraising for war relief efforts in Ukraine.
✦✧ All money raised at the Awards Gala will go directly to our projects to support LGBTQI+ community fleeing war.
EL*C offers humanitarian aid to two LGBTQI+ shelters in Ukraine, ran by our member organization Insight. We also offer subgrants to ensure the safe passage of LGBTQI+ refugees, helplines, pick-ups and access to safe houses. Also, we can assure relocations to safe countries through our lesbian hosting network.
✦✧Award Gala Co-Hosts: Joëlle Sambi & Patricia Galván✧✦
✦✧Performers: Michelle Raymond & La Negri✧✦
Choose between different travel packages starting at 30€ - more info on www.lesbianawards.org
EL*C EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community
c/o HOSI Wien
Heumühlgasse 14/1
1040 Vienna; Austria
The Lesbian Genius website is created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community implementing the project, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Copyright © Eurocentralasian Lesbian*Community 2023