Combating Gender-Based Violence Against Lesbians*

About the grant


We will contact all applicants before 9th August


Preventing and combating intersectional violence towards LBTIQ women and non-binary persons

EL*C – EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community is happy to announce its call for proposals for a violence-free lesbian* future. Our goal is to support and build capacities of LBTIQ Civil Society Organisations (CSO) across the European Union and in countries participating in the EU CERV programme – currently Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia – so that they can start, continue or develop further their work to combat or prevent gender-based violence (GBV) against LBTIQ women and non-binary persons. In 2024-2025 EL*C dedicates altogether 1,900,000 EUR to this project; and this call for proposals will be followed by another CFP in 2025.

Please note that the term “LBTIQ women and non-binary persons” refers to cis, trans and intersex women, and non-binary persons who self-identify as lesbian, bisexual and queer. Also, with “LBTIQ CSOs” the CFP is referring to LBTIQ-led and/ or focused civil society organizations.

In addition to financial support, during project implementation grantee partners will have access to tailor-made capacity-building, including peer learning and mentoring support to become sustainable, strong and effective voices against violence against LBTIQ women and non-binary persons. These measures will be provided based on a needs assessment that will take place at the start of project implementation.

call for PROPOSALS

We are thrilled to receive your applications by 23:59 CET on June 22-nd, 2024.

  • The length of the project may be between 6 months and 12 months.
  • The project request can be minimum 10,000 EUR and maximum 60,000 EUR.
    Please note that EL*C plans to launch another call for proposals in 2025. Applicants will be able to apply more than once, but the cumulative amount of 60,000 EUR cannot be overstepped in the two cycles.
  • No co-funding is necessary, EL*C will cover 100% of the costs.
  • The start date should be in August or September 2024.
  • For all projects 50% of the grant amount will be paid out immediately and the other 50% following the approval of the interim report. The interim report is due at midterm of the project while a final report needs to be submitted 30 days after the end date.

Please read carefully all the below information.

Projects need to contribute to one or more of the below objectives:

1. To understand and meet the specific needs of LBTIQ women and non-binary persons who are victims of gender-based violence (GBV) and provide tailor-made support for them.

Please see below a few examples only for illustrative purposes. Projects under this objective may include, among other activities, mapping the needs of LBTIQ victims of GBV, starting outreach and provision of support services for LBTIQ communities directly or through other existing service providers e.g. crisis centers, but also continuing, developing and adjusting existing services, outreach work, developing skills and capacities of staff and volunteers or training professionals working with victims of violence. Educating the public or specific stakeholders or addressing prevention of violence may be also included, etc.

2. To ensure that systems for protection and prevention of GBV are used to serve LBTIQ women and non-binary persons and advocate for changes as needed.

Please see below a few examples only for illustrative purposes. Projects under this objective may include, among other activities, researching, analyzing and improving the response to the needs of LBTIQ victims of violence including actions of authorities, service providers, multi-agency collaboration; improving implementation of national or European laws, standards and policies, undertaking capacity-building, finetuning processes and procedures, strengthening coordination between agencies, fostering cross-movement learning, collaboration and coalition-building, and undertaking advocacy to improve laws, educate decision-makers etc.

3. To strengthen the sustainability, skills and capacities of LBTIQ CSOs in responding to the GBV-related needs of LBTIQ women and non-binary persons and in becoming visible representatives for the topic.

Please see below a few examples only for illustrative purposes. Projects under this objective may include, among other activities, identifying skills and capacity gaps in responding to the needs of LBTIQ women and non-binary persons, addressing those gaps as well as gaps in organizational processes, procedures, capacities, resources and gaps in collaborations with other LBTIQ actors and women’s rights actors or other key stakeholders, etc.

Applications can be submitted in one of two categories:

1. Category I.: Starting Up and Tailoring GBV Work

This category is recommended for LBTIQ CSOs launching new work or tailoring existing work for LBTIQ women and non-binary persons. For instance, an LBTIQ CSO may launch its own services to support victims or may work with existing service providers – e.g. women’s or LGBTIQ crisis centers, other service-providers – on introducing a new element of service in order to meet the specific needs of LBTIQ women and non-binary persons. It is also recommended for those introducing a new element to the existing service, outreach, prevention or advocacy work in order to meet the specific needs of the LBTIQ community, or its parts (e.g. members living in rural areas, persons exposed to multiple discrimination, etc.). Projects are encouraged to include collaboration and learning. Grant requests may range between 10,000 and 30,000 EUR.

2. Category II.: Scaling up GBV Work

This category is recommended for LBTIQ CSOs already engaged in prevention or combating of GBV and planning to consolidate, grow, expand, develop it in new directions or deepen their work to a new level. It is also recommended for coalitions of CSOs planning to achieve better provision of services and/ or systemic change at the local, national or regional level. Projects are encouraged to include collaboration and learning. Grant requests may range between 30,000 and 60,000 EUR.

Please note that EL*C plans to launch another call for proposals in 2025. Applicants will be able to apply again in 2025, but the cumulative amount of 60,000 EUR cannot be overstepped in the two cycles.

Activities listed below may receive funding. Please note that activities not listed below cannot be funded.

  • Activities on preventing and combating gender-based violence against LBTIQ women and non-binary persons, including where such violence is committed online or in the context of people fleeing from Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine;
  • Coalitions and partnerships among LBTIQ CSOs and feminist CSOs in the field of preventing and combating gender-based violence; coordination and strategic cooperation between LBTIQ CSOs, feminist CSOs and other stakeholders, public or private sector entities;
  • Provision of free advice, watchdog and monitoring activities on EU and international policies in the field of preventing and combating violence against women, such as the Istanbul Convention or other EU legal and policy documents;
  • Promotion of the implementation of adopted laws in the field of preventing and combating gender-based violence, regulations and Court cases;
  • Lobbying/ Advocacy to influence policy and decision-making processes, including revision/updating/adoption of policies and legislation in the field of preventing and combating gender-based violence;
  • Research and analysis aimed at informing policymaking at EU and national level, development of tools and standards to support EU policies and actions in the prevention and combating gender-based violence against LBTIQ women and non-binary persons;
  • Provision of gender-sensitive support services to LBTIQ women and non-binary persons, such as victim support tailored to the specific needs of victims who are LBTIQ women and non-binary persons, including specific medical and psychological support, victim-centered and trauma-informed services, access to national helplines, access to justice, increased accessibility of shelters, including comprehensive support for victims of sexual harassment at work, training of professionals, etc.;
  • Awareness raising and communication/information’s activities aimed in particular at creating links and animating communities in the field of preventing and combating gender-based violence against LBTIQ women and non-binary persons;
  • Community-based mobilization with direct involvement of LBTIQ women and non-binary persons (e.g., working with violence survivors, with cultural mediators, with community leaders, etc.);
  • Tackling gender stereotypes as root causes of gender-based violence against LBTIQ women and non-binary persons;
  • Awareness-raising and capacity-building to foster participation, ownership, and knowledge in the development, adaptation and/or implementation of legislation and/or frameworks or action, for instance through a multidisciplinary working group (which meets regularly and has appropriate decision-making power), enhancement of coordinating mechanisms and procedures (e.g., protocols).

Other activities not listed above cannot be included in the project; for example, regranting cannot be included.

General principles for admissible costs are the following:

  • they must be actually incurred by the applicant
  • they must be incurred in the grant period
  • they must be declared under one of the budget categories included in the application forms
  • they must be incurred in connection with the planned actions
  • they must be identifiable and verifiable, in particular recorded in the applicant’s accounts in accordance with the accounting standards applicable in the country where the applicant is established and with the applicant’s usual cost accounting practices
  • they must comply with the applicable national law on taxes, labor and social security
  • they must be reasonable, justified and must comply with the principle of sound financial management, in particular, regarding economy and efficiency.


Categories of costs that can be included are the following:

  • Personnel costs
  • Subcontracting costs
  • Travel and subsistence costs
  • Equipment costs (must be declared as depreciation costs)
  • Other goods, works and services


Costs that are not allowed are the following:

  • costs or contributions that do not comply with the conditions set out above
  • costs related to return on capital and dividends paid by a beneficiary
  • debt and debt service charges
  • provisions for future losses or debts
  • interest owed
  • currency exchange losses
  • bank costs charged by the beneficiary’s bank for transfers from EL*C
  • excessive or reckless expenditure
  • deductible or refundable VAT (including VAT paid by public bodies acting as public authority)
  • costs incurred or contributions for activities implemented during grant agreement suspension
  • in-kind contributions by third parties
  • costs or contributions declared under other EU grants (or grants awarded by an EU Member State, non-EU country or other body implementing the EU budget)
  • costs or contributions for staff of a national (or regional/local) administration, for activities that are part of the administration’s normal activities (i.e. not undertaken only because of the grant)
  • costs or contributions (especially travel and subsistence) for staff or representatives of EU institutions, bodies or agencies.


As for specific guidance for the various budget categories included in the application forms, we will add more information in the Q&A document on this page, and we will talk about these in the information sessions.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants meeting the following eligibility criteria will be considered for funding:

  • Legally registered, non-profit and non-governmental, civil society organization in their country of operation
  • Established in a Member State of the European Union (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs) and CERV-participating countries, currently Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia. Please feel free to check the updated list of CERV participating countries on this link: CERV-participating country.
  • LBTIQ CSO, that is, LBTIQ-led and/or focused CSO
  • Applicant respecting EU values such as dignity, equality and justice (as laid down in 2 of the Treaty on European Union and the EU Charter of fundamental rights)
  • Fully completed application form, submitted before the deadline. Applications can be submitted in any EU member state language, however, English is preferred. Submitting in another language will not lead to any disadvantage.


Applicants found ineligible will be informed within 2 weeks after the application deadline.


Selection criteria

Eligible proposals will be assessed along the below selection criteria:

  • Operational capacity (20 points)
    How complex is the project as compared with the applicant’s prior experience? Has the applicant managed other similar projects in the past? Based on the application, does the applicant have the capacity to implement the project?
  • Relevance of the proposed action (20 points)
    Is the project’s goal/ objective relevant from the perspective of the call for proposals? Based on the information provided in the application, is the project relevant for LBTIQ women and non-binary persons in the applicant’s context?
  • Design of the action and implementation approach (15 points)
    Do the planned activities contribute to the objectives? Are the activities realistic and doable within the project period? Are the activities well-planned? Does the application only include activities that are listed in the call for proposals? What methods are they planning to use? Do the methodologies serve the project’s objectives and the values that the CFP is serving? Are the methodologies well-chosen, doable and effective?
  • Sustainability of the action (15 points)
    Is the project’s impact going to influence the life of the community beyond short-term gains? What are the mid-term and long-term impacts that the project will contribute to? Is there a vision for potential long-term sustainability?
  • Budget and cost effectiveness (15 points)
    Are the planned budget items reasonable, detailed, and in line with the planned activities/ objectives? Are they under-planned or possibly overestimated?
  • Intersectionality (15 points)
    Is the applicant/ project working with LBTIQ women and non-binary persons facing multiple hardship, exclusion, discrimination? Is this angle integrated into the application?


A Selection Committee comprising of EL*C Board Members – thus persons elected by the community – will assess eligible proposals and will make funding decisions. Only a select number of EL*C Board Members will take part in this work, in particular those who do not have any conflict of interest in relation to potential applicants.

We will acknowledge the receipt of the application. It is possible that EL*C will be in touch with you with clarifying questions regarding the application. It is also possible that the Selection Committee will suggest changes to the project.

Eligible applicants will be informed about the grant decision as soon as possible. Awarded projects will be also announced on this webpage.

Please note that applicants with awarded projects will be required to express their commitment to upholding European values and standards. Also, in rare cases they may be requested to undergo a due diligence check prior to signing the grant agreement.

You need to submit the completed application form before 23:59 CET on June 22-nd, 2024, to the following email address:

You can download the application form in several languages down below.

EL*C will provide online information sessions in English about the call for proposals. You may register for the information sessions here. It is sufficient to register for one session, as the information provided will be the same in each session. Following your registration, we will send you the link to the information session.

  • April 29 at 9:00 CET 
  • May 10 at 12:00 CET
  • May 15 at 17:00 CET
  • May 23 at 17:00 CET


A Question and Answers document will be available on this webpage, with updates after every information session. 

In addition, if you cannot find an answer to your question on this webpage, in the Q&A file or during the information sessions, you may also send an email to any time prior to May 23, 2024. We will regularly update the Q&A document with responses sent to your questions.

Complaints Mechanism
In case you would like to make a formal complaint regarding the selection process or its result, please send it to A Complaints Committee will investigate each complaint and will provide an official answer within 30 days. The Complaints Committee consists of three members: an executive director of EL*C, and two members of the Selection Committee who were not involved in the evaluation of the application.

This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of EL*C – EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
