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As the 2023 ends, we want to mark our sorrows and our joys, our pains and our pleasure, our playfully intertangled year of lesbian activism as raging dykes.
We began softly with a staff meeting in the motherland, Lesbos, and continued fiercely as we dived deep into issues affecting our elders and brought lesbophobia to light through our research. Over 50 new lesbian organizations joined our cause as EL*C members, strengthening our ranks – welcome everyone!
Our voices echoed across social media as our lesbian visibility day video went viral on TikTok.
40 lesbian activists are now ready to change the world after our Annual Study Visit to the Council of Europe. Next stop, Brussels! – will you join us in 2024? – Apply now!
60 lesbians from Europe and Central Asia came together to scheme and plot the future of the lesbian movement during our first ever Lesbian Summit. No, we unfortunately didn’t have a hedonistic lesbian orgy, we’ll try again next time.
Kazakhstan gears up for its first lesbian conference! And we loved meeting the fresh dyke voices of Central Asia during our field visit.
We got most of what we asked for in the VAW directive: LBTI women included in the binding provisions, corrective rape as aggravating circumstance, intersex genital mutilation criminalized. BUT the directive isn’t perfect and we joined hands and forces with WAVE, HRW, Amnesty, TGEU, OII and more to get the EU to improve it.
Speaking of collabs, we never fight alone and our collaborators know this. A huge thank you and a grateful “we are in this together forever” to our donors, funders, collaborators, allies and to you, our members – Thank you for trusting us!
We showed the far right that we won’t back down by going out in the thousands in 17 cities across Europe and surprisingly in Mexico City in support of Italian lesbian mothers fighting against blatant governmental lesbophobia. Together we said #LesbiansAreMothersToo with our full chests and our wallets – The fundraiser is still going, click here if you want to participate.
We said no to lesbophobia in Romania and you helped us go viral a second time this year, where lesbophobia was for the first time ever discussed during prime time news. And the pressure worked! The equality body is deciding on the case soon.
We opened the EL*C grants program for our NGO members in the EU and while we managed to fund 31 initiatives across the EU. And we’re coming back for the rest of you – 2 more EL*C grants programs are coming next year and we’re plotting and scheming for more. The lesbian revolution will be fully funded and EL*C will make this a reality.
We empowered 150 dykes in Lesbian Archives, Fundraising and Financial Management. Being an EL*C member really has its perks . If this seduces you, click here to become an EL*C member, we want to satisfy your activist desires. And there’s 6 more trainings coming next year, get be ready to lesbianize the world, ladies, enbies, genderfkrs, intersexy beasts and beyond humans dykes!
We ended the year wrecking havoc in EU politics: we put together all the brave raging feminists who said NO! to sexual and sexist violence in the public sphere and made #MeTooEU a reality – the event was so empowering, you just have to watch it over and over again until you realize the phenomenal lesbian genius in you!
We fight together and our lesbian love will win. Revolution starts with us.
2024, we hope you’re ready for the lesbians cause we’re coming, baby! Nothing can stop us. Will you join our lesbian revolution?